Lewes/Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Bridge Rehab Over Lewes-Rehoboth Canal

Scope of Work

As part of an initiative to ensure the maintenance and performance of the state’s bridges, the Delaware Department of Transportation awarded Cianbro a project to rehabilitate the Lewes-Rehoboth Canal draw bridges. As part of the project, the Cianbro team updated the existing bridges’ mechanical systems, replaced the electrical systems, renovated the control house, and conducted some substructure repair and coating work.

Project Details

As part of the rehabilitation, the Cianbro team:

  • Demolished existing machinery as well as existing conduit boxes, control cabinets, and limit switches
  • Installed new control cabinets and new conduit and wire
  • Modified warning gates
  • Installed span motor and motor brake, machinery brake, tail lock motor and limit switch, and center lock; and placed counterweight
  • Repaired and replaced select steel members and joints, cleaned and painted existing steel members, and performed sidewalk reconstruction
  • Replaced Savannah sidewalk and repaired Savannah steel
  • Rehabilitated Savannah centering device
Lean, Innovative and Unique Project Solutions

In the planning portion of the project, our team identified some key opportunities to enhance site safety. The crew utilized a gantry crane and rollers, creating an easier method to move and install heavy counterweight blocks. The team also modified a backing-out hammer to remove rivets safely. Safe access through entryways and hatches was essential for this project, and the team used a coppus blower saddle to ensure access remained safe. 

The team also created efficiencies on this project by leveraging technological advancements, including a state-of-the-art drain camera to inspect existing conduits for reuse. The Last Planner System and magnetic whiteboards for collaborative scheduling helped keep the project on schedule.



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P.O. Box 1000
Pittsfield, ME 04967

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