Portland, ME

100 Fore Street Office Building and Pedestal Parking Garage

Scope of Work
Cianbro managed the construction of a five-story, 276,564-square-foot pedestal garage. The garage was comprised of 80,000 square feet of office space covering two stories above three levels of galvanized wide-flanged steel with pre-stressed concrete serving as a parking structure for up to 538 vehicles.
Project Details
  • Demolished the existing building
  • Performed excavations for the new building foundations in soil classified as "urban fill"
  • Installed 415 linear feet of sheet pile and 1,400 stone aggregate piles
  • Installed spread footings and foundation walls as well as erecting 1,500 tons of structural steel
  • Placed 535 pieces of precast concrete planks for the elevated parking level
  • Installed 2,000 linear feet of curtain wall system to encompass the office levels of the overall building
Lean, Innovative and Unique Project Solutions

In order to meet the aggressive schedule, Cianbro utilized Lean techniques such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Last Planner System (Touchplan scheduling) to create an efficient work flow that was well understood and agreed on by all contractors involved. This Lean approach allowed trades to prefabricate materials and plan labor resources to maintain a steady flow of uninterrupted work. Unidentified and/or uncoordinated design elements were also flagged and resolved during the BIM coordination, which helped to avoid work stoppages or delays. Cianbro coordinated efforts with several other ongoing construction projects nearby to schedule just-in-time material and equipment deliveries to offset the extremely limited laydown space.

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Our Offices
Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 1000
Pittsfield, ME 04967

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